Search The Law Articles another research alternative another research alternative

As lawyers, law firms and non-lawyers look for research platforms for researching the law, new alternatives are rising to prominence. Another viable alternative for legal research is has a lot to offer at affordable prices for lawyers, law firms and non-lawyers. They profess to offer research for lawyers for less than $50 a month. 

This is a remarkable price for legal research software. It is also remarkably less expensive than Westlaw or LexisNexis. 

Research can be accomplished through case in all fifty states for the single price of less than $50 per month. Research can also be done on federal law, statutes and regulations. also boasts about having comprehensive citation tools. They also have headnote and case summary options.  They provide this without any long-term options. 

For those who are looking for options for researching the law beyond FastCase or Casemaker, case is worth a look.